The installation of barbed wire is no less important than its quality and technical performance. The better the barrier is installed, the longer the operation of the entire facility will be. Today, there are three ways to install barbed wire: on the ground, on buildings and fences, and also as independent structures (fences).
Installation of wire on the ground
To begin installation, you need to decide on the shape of the fence, the intensity of the protective barrier, and its height. Based on a preliminary analysis, it becomes clear which brackets will be used for installation. Currently, the most convenient are V and U-shaped brackets, combining which in various combinations you can achieve a variety of design effects.
Installation of wire on the roofs of buildings and the tops of fences
As in the previous method of installing barbed wire, in this case, special attention is paid to the degree of protection of the barrier. A flat barrier mounted on vertical brackets has the lowest level of deterrence, but such a barrier also costs much less. To obtain a medium degree of security, you will need to install a spiral barrier on brackets resembling an inverted letter L. With this installation, the number of turns doubles, which significantly increases the security properties of the barrier. Sometimes such a barrier is mounted on U-shaped brackets. Achieving a high level of protection is possible using multi-level barriers. Two and even three-level barriers are mounted on X and U type brackets.
Wire fences
A barbed wire https://piranja.ua/catalog/barbed-wire fence can be simple or complex. In terms of their shape, fences assembled on metal posts have a more traditional look and provide an average level of security for an object. In turn, barbed wire fences assembled on Y and U type brackets can significantly complicate the task of uninvited guests entering the protected area, since such fences consist of two, three or even four-level spiral barriers.